Friday, July 25, 2008

Healthcare Professionals for Healthcare Reform

Have you heard of this group, at I wonder if their similar-sounding name to Healthcare Providers for Healthcare Reform implies a similar perspective?

1 comment:

Healthcare Professionals For Healthcare Reform said...

This group has been around a long time. They advocate a single payer universal model with some controls on the provider end. They have published a "white paper" in JAMA in 2003 and February of 2007 their bill was introduced to congress as HRH 676 by John Conyers in February 2007. Although it has picked upa bunch of co-sponsors since then, it has sat in committee since.

As with most of the single payer plans out there, the problem is not so much the plan itself (we all know that for pateint care and effeciency single payer is best), but the political poison associated with any wholy government run plan (especially one that excludes the insurace industry).
